I’m excited to announce that the new Paladin Book is out and available for purchase through HERE or at Amazon.com. If you love the first one, its sequel will blow you away! All the crazy characters in Nimbus’s team are back and getting themselves into all sorts of insane situations. With the holidays coming, now is the time to buy to get it into a stocking!
Journal of an Awful Good Paladin Book 2 is now on Kickstarter
If you want to get a copy of the newest book from the Unremembered Realms with your name in it, jump on the Kickstarter and reserve your copy.
Outlaw Book 4 is on Kickstarter until May 27th.
The newest book is almost here! Pledge today and get your name in the Rogues gallery! The new adventures in Book 4 will have you falling off of your throne with laughter!
Journal of an Outlaw Book 3 is now on Audible!
The long-awaited audio version of Book 3 is finally out! It was a lot of fun making this and Tom Adams is back as the narration. He really helped this go over the top! Just go to Audible.com and search for Journal of an Outlaw Book 3.
Journal of an Awful Good Paladin now on Kickstarter!
The brand new spin-off series is now on Kickstarter! I’m placing the link here so you can get your copy reserved. After the Kickstarter ends, I’m hoping to have my books at my shows by the end of May or the first of June. If you can, pledge on Kickstarter and get bonus goodies I won’t offer at my shows!
Journal of an Outlaw Book 3 Now Available!
I’m excited to announce that the newest book in the Outlaw series is now available to purchase in paper or digital format! It is extremely funny and take the adventures to a whole new level! Just click here to go to the link!