My new game is launched and needs your support! Click here to support the war effort and get a copy!
It’s a fun 2-player game that will have you throwing dice and eliminating your enemy! Will it’s tongue-in-cheek approach, it will have you laughing as you fight to the death with your friends and family!
Mycal Gresh
I know this is a longshot, but we were at the Indiana faire today (I was the lass with the basket of cranes) and we purchased a copy of Journal of an Outlaw. Did anyone happen to turn in a lost copy? We looked everywhere, retraced steps, but no avail. My guy was pretty upset with himself for losing it, and I’m hoping to mend things for him.
Pat Wittstock
Are you going to be at any other craft shows before Christmas?
Mick McArt
Sure will. Here is my list from my schedule page:
11/10-11 Birch Run Annual Craft Show 9-5, 10-4
11/17 Flushing High School Craft Show, Flushing, MI
11/23-24 Chesaning Music Boosters, Chesaning, MI 10-5 & 10-4
12/1-2 Christkindl Market Frankenmuth, MI 10-6 & 10-4
Is there something I can get you right now?