
The Fumblecrit Wars relaunched on Kickstarter! Here is the new link.

My new game is launched and needs your support! Click here to support the war effort and get a copy!

It’s a fun 2-player game that will have you throwing dice and eliminating your enemy! Will it’s tongue-in-cheek approach, it will have you laughing as you fight to the death with your friends and family!


  • Mycal Gresh

    I know this is a longshot, but we were at the Indiana faire today (I was the lass with the basket of cranes) and we purchased a copy of Journal of an Outlaw. Did anyone happen to turn in a lost copy? We looked everywhere, retraced steps, but no avail. My guy was pretty upset with himself for losing it, and I’m hoping to mend things for him.

    • Mick McArt

      Sure will. Here is my list from my schedule page:
      11/10-11 Birch Run Annual Craft Show 9-5, 10-4
      11/17 Flushing High School Craft Show, Flushing, MI
      11/23-24 Chesaning Music Boosters, Chesaning, MI 10-5 & 10-4
      12/1-2 Christkindl Market Frankenmuth, MI 10-6 & 10-4

      Is there something I can get you right now?

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